June 05, 2014
Kimberly Beaudin
The most annoying bugs and pests you can have in your home are the ones that are nowhere to be seen. These bugs can transmit diseases and destroy houses without even being detected. So be on the...
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June 04, 2014
Cindy Mannes
It's summer - the season of backyard barbeques, days by the pool and fun in the sun! Unfortunately, while enjoying our outdoor summertime we often have to combat pests. It's no fun swatting awa...
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May 23, 2014
Cindy Mannes
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. That’s all you hear when you know something is up outside, then you remember its summer time and the carpenter bees are out again. Southern states are most prone to carpenter b...
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May 16, 2014
Kimberly Beaudin
Summertime is finally here and that means families getting together, friends coming over to the house for cookouts, and kids spending time at the pool. Another thing that seems consistent each a...
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April 08, 2014
Kimberly Beaudin
You are beyond excited to buy a new house! You’re looking online and driving around with a realtor. You find a couple you like and then wham! You step inside the house of your dreams, and you ca...
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